Student Travel

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Nebraska Wesleyan University
Business Office, Smith-Curtis 202
5000 St. Paul Ave.
Lincoln, NE 68504
(402) 465-2119
Fax (402) 465-2565
businessoffice [at] (businessoffice[at]nebrwesleyan[dot]edu)

Student Travel

Procedures for Academic Field Trips and Off Campus Student Travel

Nebraska Wesleyan University has an interest in protecting both itself and members of its community from liability when students are engaged in activities off campus. Off campus trips that do not adhere to the procedures below are not University-approved off campus trips, and the staff member or faculty member responsible for the trip assumes personal liability for any mishaps.

Prior to taking a trip, the faculty or staff member in charge must designate the appropriate administrative office that will approve the trip and serve as its information repository. This administrator will be referred to below as “designated administrator."

Approval for any overnight trips must come from the designated administrator.

Procedures for Trips Outside Lincoln City Limits

  1. The faculty or staff member responsible for the trip will provide a list of all the students involved and an itinerary to the designated administrator. The itinerary should make clear where the students can be contacted in the case of an emergency.
  2. The faculty or staff member responsible for the trip will provide a signed waiver for each student involved (see Waiver form attached) to the designated administrator. Note that students under the age of 19 will need a signature from a parent or guardian.
  3. If a member of the party (faculty member, staff member or student) is driving a vehicle that will transport students, the driver must submit to the designated administrator a photocopy of his or her driver’s license and a signed permission slip granting Wesleyan the ability to make a copy of the driver’s driving record. Approval of the driver must be granted by the designated administrator.
  4. All drivers in #3 above, must carry a Nebraska Wesleyan proof of insurance card (available from Business Office).
  5. Use of personal vehicles for the transportation of students is discouraged. In such cases, the owner of the vehicle assumes liability.
  6. Trips of over 400 miles will require at least two approved drivers.
  7. Nebraska Wesleyan’s policy on weapons, alcohol and drugs will be in effect for the duration of the trip. None of these may be transported in a vehicle.
  8. The number of passengers will not exceed the number of seatbelts. All passengers must wear a seat belt.
  9. Drivers are not to exceed the speed limit and are to follow all traffic regulations.
  10. The person in the front passenger seat of the vehicle will be awake and alert at all times.
  11. Drivers must take at least a 15 minute break for every three hours of driving.
  12. Vehicles will not pick up hitchhikers or family members.
  13. Each vehicle will contain a First Aid kit and a cell phone.
  14. Drivers are responsible for all traffic and parking violations.
  15. In the case of an accident, the driver will:
    • Stop immediately, and ensure vehicle is safely placed.
    • Notify local authorities (call 911).
    • Render aid to anyone who is injured.
    • Obtain names, addresses and phone numbers from witnesses.
    • Notify designated administrator at NWU.

Checklist for Off Campus Trips Outside Lincoln

Staff or Faculty Member Responsible:

  • List of students to designated administrator
  • Itinerary to designated administrator
  • Signed waivers to designated administrator


  • Photocopy of license and signed permission slip to designated administrator
  • Approval from designated administrator
  • Nebraska Wesleyan insurance card
  • First aid kit in vehicle

Student Driver:

  • Photocopy of license and signed permission slip to designated administrator
  • Approval from designated administrator
  • Nebraska Wesleyan insurance card
  • First aid kit in vehicle

Academic Affairs Office
July, 2005